
Below you will find a list of my publications. Click on the following links to gain access to many of these papers or to also see my conference abstracts:

Humphrey CM, Hooker JW 4th, Thapa M, Wilcox MJ, Ostrowski D, Ostrowski TD (2023). Synaptic Loss and Gliosis in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarii with Streptozotocin-Induced Alzheimer's Disease. Brain Res. (accepted).


Ehlen JC, Forman CM, Ostrowski D, Ostrowski TD (2022). Autonomic Dysfunction Impairs Baroreflex Function in an Alzheimer's Disease Animal Model.  J Alzheimers Dis (accepted).


Vicente MC, Humphrey CM, Gargaglioni LH, Ostrowski TD (2020). Decreased excitability of locus coeruleus neurons during hypercapnia is exaggerated in the streptozotocin-model of Alzheimer's disease. Exp Neurol. 328:113250.


Stumpner A, Lefebvre PC, Seifert M, Ostrowski TD (2019). Temporal processing properties of auditory DUM neurons in a bush-cricket. J Comp Physiol A 205(5): 717-733.


Jackson TM, Ostrowski TD, Middlemas DS (2019). Intracerebroventricular Ghrelin Administration Increases Depressive-Like Behavior in Male Juvenile Rats. Front Behav Neurosci 13: 77.


Brown AG, Thapa M, Hooker JW 4th, Ostrowski TD (2019). Impaired chemoreflex correlates with decreased c-Fos in respiratory brainstem centers of the streptozotocin-induced Alzheimer's disease rat model. Exp Neurol 311: 285-292.


Ostrowski TD, Dantzler HA, Polo-Parada L, Kline DD (2017). H2O2 augments cytosolic calcium in nucleus tractus solitarii neurons via multiple voltage-gated calcium channels. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 312(5): C651-C662.


Ebel DL, Torkilsen CG, Ostrowski TD (2017). Blunted respiratory responses in the streptozotocin-induced Alzheimer’s disease rat model. J Alzheimers Dis 56 (3): 1197-1211.


Ostrowski TD, Stumpner A (2014). Response differences of intersegmental auditory neurons recorded close to or far away from the presumed spike generating zone. J. Comp. Physiol. A 200(7): 627-639.


Ostrowski TD, Ostrowski D, Hasser EM, Kline DD (2014). Depressed GABA and glutamate synaptic signaling by 5-HT1A receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarii and their role in cardiorespiratory function. J. Neurophysiol. 111(12): 2493-2504.


Ostrowski TD, Hasser EM, Heesch CM, Kline DD (2014). H2O2 induces delayed hyperexcitability in nucleus tractus solitarii neurons. Neuroscience 262: 53-69.


Ostrowski TD, Stumpner A (2013). Processing of ultrasound in a bush cricket's brain. Physiol. Entomol 38(1): 33-44.


Ostrowski TD, Stumpner A (2010). Frequency processing at consecutive levels in the auditory system of bush crickets (Tettigoniidae). J. Comp. Neurol. 518(15): 3101–3116.


Heller K-G, Ostrowski TD, Hemp C (2010). Singing and hearing in Aerotegmina kilimandjarica (Tettigoniidae: Hexacentrinae), a species with unusual low carrier frequency of the calling song. Bioacoustics 19(3): 195-210.


Ostrowski TD, Sradnick J, Stumpner A, Elsner N (2009). The elaborate courtship behavior of Stenobothrus clavatus Willemse, 1979 (Acrididae: Gomphocerinae). J. Orthopt. Res. 18(2): 171-182.